Travel: Boyne Mountain Resort – Our First Ski Trip Ever!
True story. Somehow, someway, we’ve lived in Michigan most of our life and have never skied. It’s been on my list of things our family needs to try, so a few weekends ago we hit the road and spent a weekend at Boyne Mountain Resort.

In short, we had a great time. The kids were absolute pros on their skis. Kids never cease to amaze me like that – they just pick things up so quickly. The sense of community around skiing amazed me, too. I’m not sure I can explain it, but it was fun seeing everyone whizzing around, wearing tons of ski gear, hanging out with friends, either on the lift or in the pub.

To read more about our adventure, check out our article on KidTripster here.
As always, don’t forget to follow us on Instagram. We’re @wildandpreciousfamily. Stop by and say hello!